Brief description of thickness gauge
Thickness gauge is an instrument used to measure the thickness of materials and objects. It is often used in industrial production to continuously or randomly measure the thickness of products (such as steel plates, steel strips, films, paper, metal foils and other materials). Among such instruments are radioactive thickness gauges that utilize the penetration characteristics of alpha rays, beta rays, and gamma rays; ultrasonic thickness gauges that utilize ultrasonic frequency changes; eddy current thickness gauges that utilize the eddy current principle; and mechanical contact measurement principles.

The principle of thickness gauge

There are radioactive thickness gauges that utilize the penetration characteristics of alpha rays, beta rays, and gamma rays; there are ultrasonic thickness gauges that utilize changes in ultrasonic frequency; there are eddy current thickness gauges that utilize the eddy current principle; and there are thickness gauges that utilize the mechanical contact measurement principle.

Application of thickness gauge

Thickness gauges are mainly used to measure the thickness of coatings or coatings. These thicknesses are very important for manufacturing and processing. For example, in the automotive industry, the coating is mainly sprayed by some equipment, and the thickness is sometimes unstable. If the coating is sprayed too thin, the smoothness of the paint surface will be affected, and its stability will also be affected. This problem can be solved after knowing the thickness. Thickness gauges are also used for data recording. The design and manufacturing of any product requires continuous improvement. The specific method of improvement mainly relies on some major real-time data during production and manufacturing. To obtain these data, you need to use a thickness gauge to test these data.

Classification of thickness gauges

Thickness gauges can be roughly divided into:

a. The contact area size of contact thickness gauges is divided into: point contact thickness gauges and surface contact thickness gauges.

b. Non-contact thickness gauge Non-contact thickness gauge can be divided into the following types according to its different testing principles: laser thickness gauge, ultrasonic thickness gauge, coating thickness gauge, X-ray thickness gauge, White light interference thickness gauge, electrolytic thickness gauge, pipe thickness gauge.

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