The English abbreviation “NDT” is often used as the abbreviation of “Non Destructive Test”. This article will introduce in detail the English words represented by the English abbreviation NDT, its corresponding Chinese pinyin, detailed explanation and popularity in English. In addition, there are also classifications, application fields and related application examples of the abbreviation NDT.

“NDT” (“non-destructive testing”) definition
English abbreviation: NDT
English word: Non Destructive Test
Brief explanation of the abbreviation in Chinese: non-destructive testing
Chinese Pinyin: wú sǔn jiǎn cè
Abbreviation popularity: 3872
Abbreviation classification: Miscellaneous
Abbreviation field: Unclassified
The above is the Chinese explanation of the English abbreviation NDT of Non Destructive Test, as well as information on the popularity, classification and application fields of this English abbreviation in English.

Extended information of the English abbreviation NDT
Authors make use of JL MG bolt integrity testing survey meter to have non destructive test for Jingying highway bolting integrity according to stress wave principle.

Frequency domain analyzing method of acoustic signals and its application in non destructive test of electrical insulation

The significance of non destructive test ( NDT ) for steel rope as well as the principle and characteristics of LMA NDT system for steel rope are described.

Some methods usually used in the field of non-destructive test of composites, and their basic principles, features, and applied scope are described.

The purpose of this procedure is to provide for a system, instructions and to identify the procedural controls associated with inspection, non-destructive examination and test activities.

This procedure determines the procedural controls related to inspection, non-destructive inspection and testing, and proposes a set of system and instruction requirements.
The above content is the information when “Non Destructive Test” is the abbreviation of “NDT” and is interpreted as “non-destructive testing”, as well as the English word represented by the English abbreviation NDT, its corresponding Chinese pinyin, detailed explanation and its meaning in English. Popularity and related categories, application fields and application examples, etc.

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