The synchronous circuit generates synchronous pulse signals to trigger the circuit of each part of the instrument to coordinate the work at the same time.

60. the scope of application of magnetic powder injury?
Answer: Magnetic powder detection method is used to detect the surface detection method of the surface and near surface defects for detecting the surface and near surface defects.

61. what is the main role of synchronous signal generator in ultrasonic probe? Which two parts of the circuits are it mainly controlled?
Answer: The synchronous circuit generates synchronous pulse signals to trigger the circuit of each part of the instrument to coordinate the work at the same time. It mainly controls the synchronous launch and synchronous scanning two circuits.

62. the purpose of non -destructive detection?
Answer: 1. Improve the manufacturing process; 2. Reduce manufacturing costs; 3. Improve the possibility of products; 4. Ensure the safe operation of the equipment.

  1. What are the methods of adjusting the time scanning line of the defect positioning instrument when the ultrasonic weld is exploring?
    Answer: There are three methods: horizontal positioning instrument, vertical positioning, and sound range positioning.
  2. the main advantages and disadvantages of test comparison of dry powder and wet powder method?
    Answer: The inspection of the dry powder method has high detection capacity for near -surface defects, especially suitable for large -scale or field detection; the wet powder method test has high detection capacity for small surface defects, and is particularly suitable for batch detection of small parts with irregular shapes.

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