The colorimeter is divided into two series – the precision colorimeter series and the portable spectrocolorimeter series, including nine models. Customers often cannot choose the one that suits them when purchasing, and understanding the features and advantages of each model becomes particularly important at this time. Today I will explain to you in detail the six advantages of a colorimeter!

  1. Multi-color space color value display
    The colorimeter has a built-in program for converting various color display indicators, which eliminates the need for colorimeter personnel to manually convert measurement data, greatly improving work efficiency.
  2. Simple and easy to use, three-step color difference measurement
  3. PC management system

After the customer purchases, we will provide free color management software. Connect the device to the computer to display qualified or failed judgments in real time, print test reports, and save the color data of each batch. Caipu Technology has a mature PC-side management system. By connecting the colorimeter to the computer, the test data can be managed in the host computer software, the instrument data can be quickly exported, and the test report can be printed, which facilitates colorimeter personnel to conduct more complex analysis work.

  1. Stable measurement performance

Standard deviation ΔE*ab 0.08 (after correction, measure the standard deviation of the whiteboard 30 times at 10s intervals)

  1. Large-capacity data storage

The precision colorimeter can store 100 sets of standard sample data. Each standard can store 100 sets of samples.

Portable Spectrocolorimeter Series The Terminator of Colorimeter

Colorimeter that can measure the absolute value of color; adopts the principle of spectral measurement to ensure measurement accuracy; has passed the national metrology certification; patented technology ensures measurement stability; ergonomic design; large-capacity data storage.

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